2017 Phila Area Team Competition
Links to Pix from Sudha HERE and more PIX from Sudha! Links to PIX from Vyom
Match scoring is 1 game to 25 no set, up until Finals. Finals will be full 2 out of 3 to 21 match.
All-gender teams
A singles player may repeat into doubles, however not into another singles.
A Doubles player may repeat with a different partner.
For example, a 3 player team can field 3 singles, and two doubles with 1 player repeating.
Round robin pool format for initial rounds will be played so teams can face off against a number of other teams
If sufficient teams for multiple pools, then top two advance to elimination playoffs.
Line-up orders must be declared ahead of play (by Wednesday) so draws and timings may be made!
This is essential for scheduling because many players are playing in multiple brackets
and also to help avoid any “stacking” to gain an advantage.
Teams that are coming with “alternates” will be allowed 2 player substitutions per match in singles or
doubles, however the rest of the line-up may not change order. Alternates may sub into any position.
Teams need to declare the order of their 3 singles and 2 doubles in the Open Div along with an alternate format of 3 doubles. Alternates should also be declared however no order is necessary for them. MXD Div needs to declare 2 MXD teams and 1 any gender team along with alternates.
Venue is Smashville in Pottstown
Fee is $100. / team. (E.g. with a 5 player team each player pays 20.)
5 Tubes of Smashville Pro Shuttles to winning team for your club!
1 Large team trophy to winning team plus winners mugs for individual team members.
Finalist Team trophy for second, plus mugs
Third place gets mugs
Team Trophy for 3rd Place just added!
Feather shuttles provided: Smashville Pro
Tournament committee reserves the right to modify regulations in the interest of overall tournament viability.